Our Mission


-DIVINE ENCOUNTER: Is when a person experiences the power of the almighty and Act2:1-4 illustrates it perfectly. When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. We see here that when God intercede on what we as human were doing something DIVINE began to happen which was speaking out in different tongues!


-Wearing DIVINE ENCOUNTER brings about an open door for us as believers to share our testimonies on how an encounter with GOD has changed our lives. 

-Our hope would be that through the continues sharing of our testimonies the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven would come forth. Leading people to their own DIVINE ENCOUNTER with GOD followed by discipleship.This is our number one priority.


-Act1:8 says, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Jesus was calling us to spread and take forth His message to every part of the globe. Our hope is that our own DIVINE ENCOUNTERS with the one true living God would invade every corner of the globe and by wearing DE this  would be an easy segue way into faith based conversations. 


-When you think about clothing we often think of a reflection of ones self. The way we dress can easily be the way we are identified by ourselves and by others. The fact of the matter is money, clothes, status, none of these this are where we should find our identity. we at DIVINE ENCOUNTER believe that your identity your true identity is found in Christ and Christ alone!

-The reason we at DIVINE ENCOUNTER talk about Identity is because we truly believe you don't know who you truly are unless your able to receive in your heart who God says you are. The thing is there are over 3 Billion people who have never heard the name of Jesus. To be able to believe in your heart what the one true living God says about you and I, us as the tangible hands and feet of the one true living God have to go forth and help bring about the advancement of the Heavenly Kingdom. We at DIVINE ENCOUNTER plan on doing this by helping these unreached people groups who have yet to understand who they are in Christ through a lack of having access of Bibles in their own tribes, nations, lanague, or tongue get the proper access to funding and resource to bring about changes within these people groups. 

-Here are just a few things that the Bible says about our identities in Christ Jesus, 2Cor5:17 A new creation in Christ, John1:12 A child of God, John15:5 A branch of the true vine, John15:15 A friend of Jesus, Romans3:24 Justified and redeemed, Romans8:17 An heir, 1Cor1:2 A sanctified saint, 1Cor6:19 A temple of the Holy Spirit, 1Cor12:27 A member of Christs body, 2Cor5:20 An ambassador of Christ, 2Cor5:21 The righteousness of God, Eph1:4 Chossen, Eph1:5 Adopted, Eph1:7 Redeemed and forgiven, Eph1:13 Sealed with the Holy Spirit, Eph2:4-5 made alive in Christ, Eph2:6 raised and seated with Him in the Heavenly places, Eph2:10 Gods workmanship, Phil3:20 A citizen of Heaven, Gal5:1 No longer a slave. 

These are just some of the many things God our Father says about us. The reason we are so adamant on others having this understanding is because of how privileged we ourselves are to know all that God says about us. We must shift our eyes and hearts outwardly and start thinking and looking towards those who are less fortunate. The heart of God is that every last person would inherit the kingdom of heaven and we get to be apart of this and so do you by contributing to buy divine encounter!